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About Us

Own Your Moment

Ada Moments is a decentralized social media that permanently empowers creators with digital ownership while sharing their creativity with the world.

Not long ago when you created or purchased a piece of media you owned it.  Think of printed pictures, DVD videos, and music CDs. Media assets in your control. We are bringing back that reality by using blockchain and self-custodial technology to maximize ownership in today’s digital reality.

Today’s independent artists and creators are handing over their creativity to platforms that could deprive control. We already see AI companies imitating creative works with painful effects on independent artists losing control of their style. Ada Moments protects creators by registering their media on a public registry and deny AI training consent.

Moments will become the deepest form pieces of digital media can be owned, controlled and displayed. One where the world knows who created it, holds it, and supports it.  Built as an infinite timeline, we will re-define how creativity is recorded, how digital citizens organize, and how value is captured. We invite you to join this movement, as we make decentralized history.


Each moment exists permanently in the decentralized museum of Ada Moments. The backbone of our museum is built on blockchain infrastructure that no single individual can control or destroy. Your creations are digitally etched into the blockchain, stored for generations to come. Creators can extract and manage the value from their permanent digital assets.


Taking full custody of your moment is empowering. After creating a moment, it is sent to your sphere of control. No one in the world other than the custodian can move or claim your moment after creation. The blockchain registers your creation and its ownership. We add your media to the “Do-Not-Train” registry that publicly refuses AI training consent.


Knowingly or not, we are all creators of data. Memories, matter, connections, laughter, movement and more, all will pass through data’s door.

The world is increasingly run by data, and AI is accelerating this fact. People are awakening to the reality of losing individual style, voice, and identity. Ethical AI must consider the wishes of individual (digital) sovereignty.

We are driven to shine light on the creators that inspire humanity and help everyone discover their potential as a creator.

Join the growing movement of creators who own and protect their individuality. Start protectIng the signal of your life, your authenticity, your soul. Own your moment!

Executive summary of

  • Each post (we call a ‘moment’) is minted as a permanent NFT on Cardano’s blockchain, sent to the creator, visualized by and publicly accessible.
  • Each moment is added to a public ‘Do-Not-Train’ ledger to support legal rights against un-ethical AI training.
  • You can buy your moment with ADA and a credit card today. Note that Credit Card payment providers have different custodial methods.
  • Each moment contains a unique time-stamp interval as registered by Cardano’s Blockchain. This interval (1 block or ~20 seconds) represents the governance power.
  • Moments are freely tradeable. We expect their worth to be tied to media content, Data-Union royalties, advertising rights, and governance power, it’s all yours.
  • Any community (journalists, projects, organizations) can get in touch to request their own (gated) archive. This means communities are free to organize around an archive gated by their own community token / NFT.
  • Ada Moments is creating Cardano’s first Data Union. 42% of its profits go to multi generational initiatives as determined by the members of our Data Union.
  • is developed by, a Netherlands registered company. Consider staking to AMS to support the continued development of
  • Content moderation will become open source and governed by the community. Until such time the “Gray Area” moments (highly controversial content) and “hidden” is used for moments infringing on rights and/or as required by EU law.
  • There is no token supply cap, only an inflationary cap, defined by time passed according to Cardano’s Ouroboros protocol.

Why Ada Moments?
Not long ago if someone knocked on your door and asked to see your family photo album to “use for their AI business”, most people would undoubtedly say: “No.”. Today that option does not appear often. However the opportunity-costs of giving data away for free are rising.  Data’s worth is increasing. The things that can be done with data are increasing, and people are not getting their share of the data-value-pie. We are brining back the option to say no to AI training and working to prove that paying a little up front to own your data can be more profitable than giving it away for free.

Life is short, so why not create an open, transparent, beautiful, community owned, decentralized and quani-filled timeline that celebrates humanity ad infinitum. Would be pretty neat!

How are moments valuable?

In creating a moment, we provide data ownership to the creator. Each moment you post is assigned granular control. This means denying AI training consent until your say so, providing ownership proof at the account level, permanently and openly showcasing your content, managing advertisements next to your post, and the option to freely join a Data-Union to help maximize your moment’s value and/or legacy.

The world of AI is set to grow dramatically, and AI companies will soon start competing for rights to train on authentic data. Data Unions allow creators to organize around a common ethos or set of values. Data Unions can negotiate on behalf of creators to determine the price and conditions under which AI companies use data. Apart from becoming a leading Data Union ourselves we aim to catalyse a free market of Data Unions that compete for creator membership.

If you capture an epic moment, or create something that could inspire thousands, then own it!

If you have manifested your personal style in a painting, recorded a song, photographed cultural history, commemorated a friend, filmed a meteor shower... you should be able to own that moment while sharing it with the world. Now you can.

What does ‘Own Your Moment’ mean?

1. You are in control of your digital moments.

2. You reject AI training on your data without consent.
3. You own time on the infinite timeline.

Learn more about where we evolved from and how we account for time into each moment:

And check out our latest blogs!

That brain of mine is something more than merely mortal; as time will show

 − Ada Lovelace (1815-1852)Portrait of Ada Lovelace

Our mission is to empower creators to build the most epic timeline ever.